
Christmas Season in Visak, yet not so visibly!

It is officially the Christmas season in Visak haha, but looking around the city you wouldn't be able to tell.  Also, I finally got an SD card reader so I can send some pictures!!!
Our area/branch boundaries right now that we cover is the size of the ENTIRE Idaho Boise Mission haha if not slightly bigger.  Crazy.

Last week for P Day our zone went to a super pretty beach!  Everything here is colorful, even the little boats that just chill on the beach.  I also had the privilege of drinking from my first coconut since being here!  Sippin a coconut on the beach. I've had this opportunity to drink coconut water straight from the coconut (but not on the beach) almost everyday this week haha, it's awesome.  

I've eaten some strange things this week.  There is a little fruit that is shaped exactly like a tomatillo, but is bitter and everyone claims is good for your health.  So I had to eat like three at member homes this week haha.  I also had a strange, brown pancake thing that tasted eerily like chocolate but was definitely made from some sort of dried fruit.  Also ate a strange vegetable that is supposedly a potato in the form of celery.  Like it's yellow celery, but the taste is that of a potato.

The work this week was up and down.  Days of success and setting baptismal dates for the coming weeks alternated with days of appointments falling through, translators not being able to come with us, etc.  But finding was not an issue this week!!  While we were on our way to various appointments, people would just call us over and we were able to teach them and set follow up appointments!  We would just be walking inbetween buildings and people would be like, "Hey!"  Anytime we were in autos we would find people who were eager to be taught so that was awesome.  We are in autos quite frequently, it's a unique experience haha. Our lives our on the line every time we get into one hahaha the traffic is CRAZY here!!  There are definitely driving lanes painted on the road, but I don't think anyone can see them (;

I also met Josh's trainer this week!!!  So that was pretty rad.  

Also, important side note:

The lessons we did have the privilege of teaching this week went super well, especially for me haha.  It's been difficult feeling like I'm not being understood when teaching.  But this week I prayed earnestly for the ability to teach and be understood in some way.  This week, as I bore testimony of the simple, beautiful, truthfulness of the Gospel, my prayers were answered.  Though they didn't understand what exactly I was saying, they undoubtedly understood the Spirit testifying of the truth, I could see it.  It was like turning a light on in a dark room when I looked in their eyes.  It was so cool, one of the coolest feelings.  

The Spirit speaks all languages, I know that.

Everyone have a wonderful week and make the most of the Christmas season!!!  

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