
Happy February!

 herding sheep in the middle of a main road
with our investigator Naresh at his birthday party, it was super fun.

Hello hello everyone, Happy February!

This week was crazy for us, at least this weekend was haha.  We had an experience this week that was pretty moving for us:

On Saturday we met with a sister who has been struggling with a variety of challenges over the past five or six months.  She is a single mom with two children, she tried to start a small business which recently went under, her little house is about to be repossessed because she's struggling to secure a loan, her debt is nearly crushing, she's barely making enough to feed her family--anyway, she's going through a lot.  She is a woman of bright faith, but sometimes life hits us with things that try our trust in God.  She said that she'd been praying every day and fasting for God to help her in some way and He hasn't.  She decided that she was done with God.  She would listen to what we had to say but she was done with God--and here's where it gets interesting: we had no idea what to say.  As teenage boys having but little life experience as it stands, we had no idea what to say that would be of comfort to her.  But we knew that there was someone who did know and does know, someone who knows her perfectly well what she'd been going through.  In our hearts, Elder Poleboina, Elder Barry, and I prayed with all the fervency we could muster that the Lord might speak through us and help this sister in whatever way He would.  Elder Poleboina and Elder Barry shared powerful personal experiences about when God helped them when they saw no way out.  Then it was my turn.  I was still at a loss for words when suddenly the words of my former young men's leader (Tim Nowatzke) came into my mind: "If you don't know what to say, bear testimony of Christ."  So that's what I did.  Never in my life have I felt the Spirit move through me with such power as I bore my testimony that as surely as this sister saw the sun shining, I know that Jesus is the Christ.  I don't know always know why He asks us to pass through seemingly insurmountable trials, but I know He'll never leave us and He'll carry us through them if we have faith in Him.  I told her that He is pleading with her told hold on just a little longer because help and hope are on the way.  When I looked in her eyes, I saw hope.  It was incredible.  At the beginning of the lesson, she told us that she wasn't going to come to church because God wasn't helping her, but after the lesson she committed to come--and she did!  She had an amazing experience at church and has a renewed hope in the Savior.  There are a few life changing experiences in your life and this was one of those for me.

Also, yesterday was fast Sunday and Sunil (yes, recent convert Sunil Kumar) got up and bore his testimony, it was awesome!  At one point he said, "The Book of Mormon....is a good book."  It was so funny, we gave him a big hug after.  He's a boss.

I hope everyone has a great week, keep the faith!
Elder Tuscano

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