
What's good in the Indian hood? LARGEST mango market EVER!

photo not sent by Jonathan -he says not to worry, he'll send pics of the mango market

Hello hello all!

This week was a good one here in Bangalore.  Nothing too crazy happened.  Unless you think going to the LARGEST mango market EVER is crazy.  Because it kind of is.  We definitely went to this super huge and cool mango market this week held in a GIANT botanical garden.  There were vendors from all over India and something like fifty or so different types of mangos available.  I will send a picture don't worry.

This week we had a baptism!  His name is Gregory and he is RAD.  He seriously is one of the greatest investigators I've ever met with.  He is so eager and willing to learn about the Gospel, he reads whatever we give him and really knows his stuff.  He is from Catholic background.  He recently started working for a company based out of Salt Lake and you can guess what happened after that (;  just kidding.  But he observed how his colleagues worked, spoke, acted, etc. and wanted to know why they were "different from other Americans" that he's worked with.  His colleagues so happen to be church members, shared with him their beliefs and he was so intrigued that they hooked him up with the missionaries and, well, here we are now!  It is cool to see and hear of those who still do missionary work even after they stop wearing the tag.  This is how awesome he is: we invited him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, but he wanted an answer so quickly that he decided to fast and pray earnestly. He did so and received his answer.  I seriously can't say enough about how great he is, nor how great of a member and leader he will be (even though he is already).  

I hope everyone will strive to be like Gregory this week and feast upon the words of Christ and pray earnestly to know the truth.

Keep the faith, love y'all!
Elder Tuscano

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