
General Conference in Bangalore and treats from home!

*note from parents: We and the VanGils family were able to send Jonathan hand-delivered packages of goodies thanks to the kindness of Lynn Rhodes who lives in our neighborhood and recently traveled to India!

What's up y'all?  Happy Palm Sunday yesterday!!

This week was good here in the good old BLR.  We had an inspiring mission leadership council (I will send some photos), a zone meeting, but the highlight of this week was undoubtedly general conference.  Oh my goodness. General conference was amazing.  Check this out: I had a PAGE of questions that I thought were pretty significant and needed answers to--but by the end of the Saturday afternoon session, all of my questions were answered.  I was like, "No way."  One might say that our leaders are inspired and I know that they are.  Some questions I had were: What can I do to more closely follow the Savior?  How can I know Him and not just know about Him?  How can I better listen to the Spirit and give heed to impressions I receive?  How can I know the Lord's will?  All of these were answered.  Amazing.

One experience: so, unfortunately, in India, general conference weekend is sometimes misinterpreted as a holiday from church, so attendance was pretty sparse in our ward.  Anyway, as we were watching the broadcast in our chapel, I surveyed who was in attendance, looking to see if any of our investigators were there--unfortunately, I found none (I later came to know that they were watching the Tamil translation of the broadcast in a different room).  For a moment I was sad, dejected even.  Despite our efforts, none of our investigators came!  Then I looked around again and saw all four of our recent converts, Sunil Kumar, Bhargavi, Mayur, and Venkat, all listening with fervor to the words of living prophets and apostles.  My heart was filled with joy.  A thought came to mind mind that this is why I'm here.  Incredible experiences in incredible India abound as the Lord's work rolls forward.

I hope everyone has a great Easter week!  Christ lives and so will we because the tomb is empty.

Keep the faith!

Elder Tuscano

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