
bit by a street dog and other close calls...

Hello hello y'all, what is up?

This was another good week here in Bangalore, not a whole lot that is super happenin' though, just a couple cool things.

Elder Jensen almost got deported this week haha.  He went to register at the Foreign Registration Resource Office here in Bangalore basically to inform the Indian government that he's here.  Americans have to do this same thing every time they go to a new city.  He went with another American missionary and, as it so happens, Bangalore's registration office isn't too fond of Christian missionaries, so they tried to say that his visa wasn't valid and told him he had to leave the country the following week.  Their argument has not support, validity, nor evidence to actually deport him, only bias.  So everything is all good, we will more than likely finish our training here in Bengaluru.

In other news, I hope you guys remember Gregory and Gowtham because guess what: yesterday, Gregory blessed the sacrament for the first time and Gowtham passed the sacrament!!!  As a missionary there are few greater feelings than seeing those you've taught progress and come closer to God through obtaining the priesthood and fulfilling its responsibilities.  Gregory also spoke in sacrament meeting yesterday and, had I not know he is a recent convert, I would have assumed he's been a member for quite a while, if not his whole life.  It was an incredible talk about faith.

Also I got bit by a street dog this week haha, I'm fine though.  No skin puncture or anything so no hospital visit.  It's all good.

Hope everyone has a good week, and wish Haley Lindsey a happy birthday if you haven't already!!  She is rad and it is her birthday today.

Keep the faith,
Elder Tuscano

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